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Configuration options

type StyleXOptions = {
// Should insert debug class names to identify the source of the styles
// Also, sets the default value of `runtimeInjection`
// Default: `false`
dev: boolean,

// Are you in testing environment
// When true, StyleX will generate styles or functional classNames.
// Instead it will only output debug classNames that reference the
// filePath and variables names of the styles applied.
// Default: `false`
test: boolean,

// Should StyleX generate code to inject styles at runtime?
// This may be useful during development but should be disabled
// in production.
// Default: the value of `dev`
runtimeInjection?: boolean,

// Prefix to applied to every generated className
// Default: 'x'
classNamePrefix: string,

// Should `px` values for `fontSize` be converted to `rem`?
// It is a best practice to use `rem` for font sizes to allow
// users to scale the font size up or down.
// Default: `true`
useRemForFontSize?: boolean,

// Strategy to use for merging styles
// Default: 'application-order'
// The last style applied wins. Consistent with how inline styles work on the web.
| 'application-order'
// More specific styles will win over less specific styles. (margin-top wins over margin)
// Consistent with how React Native works.
| 'property-specificity'
// @deprecated
// Similar to 'application-order' but incomplete and error-prone.
// Will be removed in a future release.
| 'legacy-expand-shorthands',

// Override the name of the package where you can import stylex from.
// Default: ['@stylexjs/stylex']
importSources: Array<string>,

// Enable experimental compile-time optimization to pre-compute
// `stylex.props` and `stylex()` function calls with conditional styles
// when all possible styles used are defined in the same file and known
// at compile-time.
// Default: `false`
genConditionalClasses?: boolean,

// Named imports of StyleX variables are unused after compilation.
// Some bundlers may remove them as dead code. Causing variables to be undefined.
// Enable this option to prevent that by adding an import with no specifier.
// (e.g. `import './my-vars.stylex.js'`)
// Default: `false`
treeshakeCompensation?: boolean,

// Strategy to use for resolving variables defined with
// `stylex.defineVars()`
// This is required if you plan to use StyleX's theming APIs
// Default: undefined
| {
// The module system to be used.
// Use this value when using `ESModules`.
type: 'commonJS',
// The absolute path to the root directory of your project.
rootDir: string,
// Override `.stylex.js` with your own extension.
themeFileExtension?: string,
| {
// Use this when using the Haste module system
// Where all files are imported by filename rather
// than relative paths and all filenames must be unique.
type: 'haste',
// Override `.stylex.js` with your own extension.
themeFileExtension?: string,
